writing. photography. film criticism

Category: Misc

The Great Work Continues

Welcome Back

After nearly a year’s hiatus, I’m back! To update – I did indeed finish the thesis and graduate from school. I’ve moved to Los Angeles, gotten a job both within entertainment and outside of it, and have been steadily working on a few projects over the past few months.

However, sadly, I’ve started to worry that without the rigorous mental calisthenics of classes and papers, my analytical mind has grown soft. I’ve recently taken up a few sports and become very active. When by choice or by circumstance I find myself having been inactive for a period of more than 2 or 3 days, I get antsy. After 4 or 5 days, I get complacent, settle back into a sedentary life and lose some of my edge (or at least I think I do).

Therefore I’m determined to make it a point to exercise my mind on a somewhat regular basis. I’m kicking off this new wave of blogging with a few archived posts that never made it online, but are interesting nonetheless. Then after that I’m on my own. Thanks for visiting.  

Hello world!

Let’s try out this new blog. It certainly looks very nice, doesn’t it?

I really hope to give this one more love and care and attention than I’ve given blogs in the past (you can find their remains still scattered about the ruins of the internet). I never was much of a “maintain-interest-in-a-single-project-for-a-long-period-of-time” kind of person, but I’ve been doing well with Twitter recently, so hopefully that momentum will sustain my interest in blogging.

As of now, I plan to post general thoughts from time to time, but mostly film, TV, and screenplay reviews. For both career purposes and personal interests, this is a skill I’d like to develop. And honestly, I believe (perhaps foolishly optimistically) that someone out there actually cares what I have to say.

So let’s get started. In the words of the Angel, the great work begins!

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